Painted Ladies

Painted Ladies

Siobhan Parkinson

Painted Ladies is based on the lives of a colony of painters who lived and worked in the fishing village of Skagen on the very northernmost tip of Denmark towards the end of the 19th century and into the early 1900s.
The main characters in the story (and it is a story, not meant to be an historically accurate account) are Maria Krøyer, who was married to the most prominent of the artists, and Anna Ancher, who was not only the wife of a painter but also a very fine painter herself. Anna Ancher and Peder Severin Krøyer are probably the best known of the painters nowadays, and their work and that of their friends and colleagues is to be seen in art galleries around Scandinavia, especially in Skagensmuseum, a gallery in Skagen (no longer a small village but a busy port and thriving holiday centre) that is dedicated to the work of these painters, and in the Hirschsprung Collection in Copenhagen.

Painted Ladies - Reviews

“This book may be read as a thrilling adventure, but it reflects on broader issues such as the impossibility of the perfection of the life and of the art.”

For the full review

Irish Independent